Open Enterprise Security Architecture O Esa Pdf

Open Enterprise Security Architecture O Esa Pdf

Author : Gunnar Petersen
ISBN : 9789087536732
Genre : Education
File Size : 76.93 MB
Format : PDF, Kindle
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Information Security professionals today have to be able to demonstrate their security strategies within clearly demonstrable frameworks, and show how these are driven by their organization's business priorities, derived from sound risk management assessments.This Open Enterprise Security Architecture (O-ESA) Guide provides a valuable reference resource for practising security architects and designers explaining the key security issues, terms, principles, components, and concepts underlying security-related decisions that security architects and designers have to make. In doing so it helps in explaining their security architectures and related decision-making processes to their enterprise architecture colleagues.The description avoids excessively technical presentation of the issues and concepts, so making it also an eminently digestible reference for business managers - enabling them to appreciate, validate, and balance the security architecture viewpoints along with all the other viewpoints involved in creating a comprehensive enterprise IT architecture.

Title: Open Enterprise Security Architecture (O-ESA) Subtitle: A Framework and Template for Policy-Driven Security A Publication of: The Open Group Lead Author: Stefan Wahe, University of Wisconsin – Madison Consulting Author/Editor: Gunnar Peterson, Artec Group Publisher: Van Haren Publishing, Zaltbommel, ISBN: 9 672 5. Jul 16, 2020 Contributor By: J. Rowling Ltd PDF ID e529e1cd open reference architecture for security and privacy pdf Favorite eBook Reading style video based book free paid for beginners advanced etc using open source for security or privacy.

Open Enterprise Security Architecture O Esa Pdf Download

O-ESA, by the Security Forum of the Open Group, describes a framework for policy-driven security architecture. The context of security here is maintaining the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the electronic form of information. Enterprise security architecture is defined as the component of the overall enterprise architecture to.