Gotoassist Expert Mac

How to uninstall gotoassist

The only way you can be sure that the computer is not compromised is to erase at least the startup volume and restore it to something like the state it was in before the attack. The easiest approach is to recover the entire system from a backup that predates the attack. Obviously, that's only practical if you know when the attack took place, and it was recent, and you have such a backup. You will lose all changes to data, such as email, that were made after the time of the snapshot. Some of those changes can be restored from a later backup.

Gotoassist Expert Mac

If you don't know when the attack happened, or if it was too long ago for a complete rollback to be practical, then you should erase and install OS X. If you don't already have at least two complete, independent backups of all data, then you must make them first. One backup is not enough to be safe.

‎GoToAssist (Remote Support) lets you quickly and easily deliver support to desktops and mobile devices from your iPhone or iPad. Support your customers when and wherever they need help. Features:. Unlimited live support that works seamlessly behind existing firewalls. Screen sharing and remote c. GoToAssist Corporate users can provide live support to both PC and Mac users – from a PC; however, some features are not currently available for use on the Mac platform. The following features are currently available when connecting to a customer using a Mac.

When you restart after the installation, you'll be prompted to go through the initial setup process for a new computer. That’s when you transfer the data from a backup in Setup Assistant.

How To Uninstall Gotoassist

Gotoassist Expert Mac

Select only users in the Setup Assistant dialog—not Applications, Other files and folders, or Computer & Network Settings. Don't transfer the Guest account, if it was enabled.


Reinstall third-party software from original media or fresh downloads—not from a backup, which could be contaminated.

Gotoassist Expert Mac

Unless you were the target of an improbably sophisticated attack, this procedure will leave you with a clean system. If you have reason to think that you were the target of a sophisticated attack, then you need expert help.

Does Gotoassist Work On Mac

The above being done, change all Internet passwords and check all financial accounts for unauthorized transactions. Do this after the system has been secured, not before.

Sep 14, 2015 6:48 PM