Autocad Civil 3d 2019 Object Enabler

Autocad Civil 3d 2019 Object Enabler

I searched high and low for specific information on installing AutoCAD Object Enablers (OE) from an .msi, which would permit IT to push installation silently, without user intervention.
Sadly, bits of information were scattered all over the Internet, so hopefully this thread will bring it together for AUGI members.
This is a step-by-step guide, with the caution that the silent install will need to be performed with admin privileges. I presume this due to some registry keys being written to HKLM. If you find otherwise, please let us know.

Autocad civil 3d 2019 object enabler. Toolpac is the most comprehensive collection of productivity tools available for autocad bricscad and civil3d. Toolpac is the most comprehensive collection of productivity tools available for autocad bricscad and civil3d. The Civil Object Enabler allows you to open and complete work in 3D drawings that originate from AutoCAD Civil 3D. You can download it for free directly from Autodesk for the version of Civil 3D you're working with: Object Enabler for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2020 Object Enabler for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019. Instructor Civil 3D doesn't work with anythingunless you have these enablers.It can be quite the stubborn little program,that's for sure.This one is a must-have if you're using Civil 3Dwith any other product.Let's go find some Civil 3D enablers.These are a little bit harder to findon The Knowledge Network,but I'll give you the direct link to it.So, where are.

The first step is to extract the .msi file from the downloaded .exe file. It is crucial to get the correct .msi file for the application to which you will add the OE. Here is how you accomplish the task:
  1. Start the .exe application for the OE.
  2. Proceed thru the dialogs, selecting the correct target application in the setup dialog.
  3. Start the install, but do NOT close the setup dialog when the install is complete.
  4. Use Windows Explorer to browse to %Temp% (you may type that in Explorer's address bar).
  5. Copy the .msi file that you find there to a network location. The filename will start with a temporary filename but end with a full description. For example, a setup of AutoCAD Architectural 2009 OE for DWG TrueView 2009 created this .msi file: 6a.tmp_DWG_TrueView_2009_-_English_(United_States).msi.
  6. Do NOT rename the file. The .msi file created during the initial install stores its original filename.

Now you have a valid .msi file to use for the silent install. Below is a sample that presumes the .msi file is located in H:Test, where the /i command switch finds the file and does the install.
Other command switches are:
/norestart, make sure a reboot isn't forced (not an issue with this OE, but it is habit).
/passive, display a progress bar. You could use /qb! instead to not display a progress bar.
/l*v, write a verbose log to the location specified. Note that I use the %temp% parameter to make sure the log file goes to the Temp folder, wherever it may be located.

There are many different tips and tricks for improving performance in AutoCAD Civil 3D. This tutorial will cover two of the most important ones that you can implement quickly and easily.

Set PROXYGRAPHICS to 0. PROXYGRAPHICS is a drawing variable that specifies whether to save proxy graphic images of objects that can not be displayed by basic AutoCAD. In Civil 3D this means that if PROXYGRAPHICS is on (set to 1) then you are saving images of surfaces, points, alignments, and all other Civil 3D objects. This results in much larger drawings and decreases in performance.
If you do need to share drawings with AutoCAD users, consider having them install the Object Enabler so they can view the objects natively or using the Export to AutoCAD option, which explodes AutoCAD Civil 3D objects to AutoCAD primitives.
PROXYGRAPHICS is a drawing based variable so it needs to be set in each drawing. You should also set it in your drawing template so that new drawings are created with the variable set properly.
Set LAYOUTREGENCTL to 0 or 1, but not 2. LAYOUTREGENCTL is a system variable that controls the caching of the Layouts in your drawing.
If set to 0, the drawing is regenerated each time you switch layouts.

Autocad Civil 3d Object Enabler

If set to 1, the Model tab and the last Layout made current are cached.
If set to 2, all Layouts and the Model tab are cached.

Autocad Civil 3d 2019 Object Enabler Downloads

Caching the Layouts does prevent a regen when you switch between tabs. However, it also uses up precious system resources that Civil 3D can use to improve performance and stability.

Autocad Civil 3d 2019 Object Enabler Download

LAYOUTREGENCTL is a system variable so you only need to set it once on each computer in your office.