Alright v2 is a revised and expanded version of Alright Sans. It balances the warmth and approachability of a humanist sans with the no-nonsense simplicity of a neo-grotesk. The result is a versatile workhorse with an unassuming warmth and approachability. Alright is professional, but not pretentious. PT Sans is a type family of universal use. It consists of 8 styles: regular and bold weights with corresponding italics form a standard computer font family; two narrow styles (regular and bold) are intended for documents that require tight set; two caption.
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by HomepageBaukasten
- Weight: Regular
Alright Sans Family available for websites and desktop download. features premium quality web fonts including Interstate Regular Italic for use with website HTML using @font-face CSS fonts. Download, view, test-drive, bookmark free fonts. Features more than 13,500 free fonts. 212+ results for alright sans. Buy Alright Regular desktop font from K-Type on Skip to main content. Designer: Keith Bates; Foundry: K-Type; Classifications: Script, Casual Script; Buy from 20 Checkout In Cart. Desktop 20 10.00 20. Web 20 10.00 20. Digital Ad 20 20.00 20. EBook 40 40.00 40.
- HomepageBaukasten-Bold.ttf
- Version: Version Version 1.000
- No. of Characters:: 225
- Encoding Scheme: 4
- Is Fixed Pitch: No
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Youtube Sans Font Download
Alright sans is designed by Jackson Cavanaugh. Alright sans font is a contemporary sans serif. This font is very clean and with a friendly tone. It works exceptionally well across media and at reduced sizes, also have an open aperture.
A stylistic set in the italics provides alternate two-story forms of the ‘a’ and ‘g’. Numbers are the proportional width old-style forms for a more refined all-around text
Alright sans font detail
Foundry: Jackson Cavanaugh
Alright Sans Medium Free Font Download
Released: Aug 5, 2009
Price: $300.00 all 16 font